7 Must-Dos for Landing a Job in 2023
May 18, 2023Look, I know that looking for a new job is stressful. I’ve been there many times before. Maybe you’re unemployed and looking at your bank account that’s getting decimated at a rapid rate. Alternatively, you have a job, but it’s making you miserable. Either way, you’re eagerly waiting for things to change.
Guess what? Things won’t change on their own. Instead, you are the one who has to take a leap and change something. The best way to do that is to embark on the adventure of job searching.
7 Must-Dos for Landing a Job in 2023
1. Do Your Research
If you’ve been safely tucked away in your company for quite some time, then it’s probable that you don’t even know what the job market is offering. Therefore, you have some heavy research ahead of you.
Before you apply for a specific job, see what the market has to offer in general. Then compare particular job listings in terms of:
- responsibilities
- salary
- benefits
- company culture
What’s more, research the leading companies or merely the ones you think would be a good fit for you in the field you’re interested in. Check out their reviews, current job openings, and other information. Follow the companies on social media (this will come in handy later).
You’ll need to know at least the ballpark of the salary for the positions you’re applying for. You can check salary trends for specific jobs (note that they will differ depending on the area you live in).
Aside from that, it would be ideal to talk to someone who actually works for or has worked for the companies you’re targeting. Former or current employees will tell you more about the company culture and what’s expected of employees than hiring managers ever could.
2. Tailor Your Application for Each Job Type
Now that you have a resume, you need to tweak it some more. Ah, yes, I know, it seems as if you’ll never be done with this job-hunting business. But tweaking your resume and application to tailor each specific job listing is vital for your success.
Here’s the thing — applying for jobs looks a lot different today than it did ten or twenty years ago. Do you know who will be the first “person” to see your resume? A computer algorithm. Big companies or companies that outsource their talent hunt to HR companies use applicant tracking systems that go over all resumes and pick out those that fit the mold the best.
That’s why it’s vital that the items on your resume fit the items on the company’s “wishlist.” Make each item on your resume an apparent “hit” for the job ad. Also, make sure that you write it out in simple terms.
Furthermore, even if there’s no algorithm, the first person who will take a look at your resume will probably be a low-level HR staff member who might not understand the job posting’s nuances. That’s another reason to tailor your resume and make sure you’re using the same language and terms as in the job posting.
3. LinkedIn Is the New Normal
I’ve said it once, and I’ll repeat it — if you don’t have a LinkedIn profile (a good one), then you might as well not bother applying to jobs. Over 80% of hiring managers will check their candidates on LinkedIn.
Therefore, if you don’t have a profile there, or your profile is bare and boring, the hiring manager will quickly write you off and throw your resume in the “no” pile.
Here’s another thing to keep in mind — your LinkedIn profile isn’t set in stone. I know many people who have brought their profiles to utter perfection (in their own humble opinions) and refuse to change anything. If that’s the case with you, then you have a problem on your hands.
Just like with your resume, your LinkedIn profile should showcase that you’re a perfect match for a specific job position. Therefore, if you’re applying for positions other than the one you’re currently working on, you’re going to have to tweak some things.
For detailed recommendations on how to use LinkedIn to land a job, be sure to download Better Career's free guide on how to Land a Job using LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to job hunting. If you use it often and correctly, then you might not even have to look for a job — a job might just find you!
4. Don’t Forget About Networking
Have I mentioned already that networking is the number one way to get a job? Once or twice? Yeah, that’s because it’s the best career advice I ever received.
Networking isn’t something you do when you decide to change jobs. It should be something that you regularly do whenever you meet someone who’s someone in your industry.
However, your networking efforts need to go into overdrive when you are looking for a new job. Seek out industry events where hiring managers might be on the prowl for fresh talent. Join groups relevant to your industry and make sure you’re as active as your time allows. Position yourself as a knowledgeable, helpful, and well-rounded person in those groups because you never know who’s watching.
5. Preparing for Interviews Is Vital
People often ask themselves (and me) — is getting an interview the hardest part of job hunting? The answer is both yes and no. Sure, getting in front of a person who can actually decide to hire you is extremely difficult. However, getting a call for an interview is also not the most challenging part — nailing it is infinitely harder.
You must prepare for each interview. That means you have to do in-depth research about the company and prepare answers for some questions the hiring manager will surely ask (like these 50 common interview questions).
Make sure your appearance is appropriate (no shorts in interviews!) and that you look presentable. Even if the interview is via phone, preparation is a must.
6. Always Send Thank You Notes
Follow-ups are a great way to build rapport and show that you’re interested in the position and invested in getting the job.
Ideally, you should send thank-you notes or emails to everyone who has been involved in your interview as soon as possible. Of course, don’t rush home to send the email, but do make sure you send it within 24 hours of the interview.
There you have it - the 7 Must-Dos for Landing a Job in 2023. We're confident that if you follow these steps you'll greatly increase your chances of landing a job quickly.
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We wish you the best in your job search!