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How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile: 10 Tips to Stand Out

job search Jul 18, 2024

Having a strong professional presence on LinkedIn is crucial in today's competitive job market. It serves as your digital resume and a powerful tool for networking and career advancement.

In this article, we will provide tips on how to improve your LinkedIn profile, helping you optimize it to attract attention and unlock new opportunities. 

By following these recommendations, you will learn how to build a standout LinkedIn profile and showcase your professional brand effectively.

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Below are some effective methods to improve your entire profile on LinkedIn and catch the attention of hiring managers or recruiters.

1. Craft a Compelling Headline

Your LinkedIn headline is an important tool for grabbing attention and enticing professionals to explore your profile further. It acts as your brand statement and should succinctly convey your current expertise and interests.

You must craft a compelling headline that showcases your unique value proposition. Use descriptive and engaging language that reflects your professional goals and interests. Avoid overused words like "skilled" and "experienced."

You can also include keywords strategically in your headline to increase the chances of being discovered by potential employers or connections. To get keyword ideas, you can refer to the job description or targeted job title.

Better yet, incorporate personal branding elements to differentiate yourself and leave a lasting impression.

Here are some examples of effective LinkedIn headlines:

  • Data-Driven Marketing Professional | Helping Brands Achieve Unprecedented Growth
  • Sales Engineer | Passionate about Developing Innovative Solutions to Complex Problems
  • Sales Leader | Driving Revenue Growth and Building High-Performing Sales Teams for Tech Companies

By following these strategies, you can create an attention-grabbing LinkedIn headline that positions you as an industry expert.

2. Add a Professional Profile Picture and Background Photo

Besides your headline, your photo is among the first things LinkedIn users see.

It's important to select a professional, high-quality profile picture that reflects your personal brand. You can have your photo taken by a professional photographer or use the image posted on the team page of your company website.

Your banner image is another opportunity to make a visual impact. Choose a photo that aligns with your professional identity and captures attention.

Here's a great example of an effective profile and background photo:

3. Write a Captivating Summary

Your summary is your elevator pitch. It should provide a snapshot of who you are, what you do, and what you’re passionate about.

To write a captivating summary section, start with a strong opening line. Highlight your strengths, accomplishments, and what sets you apart from others.

You should also communicate your professional brand and what you bring to the table.

This is your chance to tell your professional life in a way that engages readers and encourages them to learn more about you.

4. List Your Work Experience with Achievements

After the summary, the next section to optimize is your work experience.

You can list past positions in bullet points to make this section easy to read. You don't have to include every previous role. Only add those that are relevant to the new job you're applying for.

Next, mention key achievements and responsibilities. To showcase your impact, use action verbs and quantifiable results.

For example, saying "increased sales by 20% in the first year" is more impactful than stating you are "responsible for sales." This shows potential employers exactly what you can do for them.

Maintain consistent language, tone, and voice throughout your profile to reflect your professional brand.

5. Use the Featured Section

You should also take advantage of the Featured section on LinkedIn.

You can showcase projects, presentations, or media that highlight your accomplishments and expertise. This is an excellent opportunity to provide tangible evidence of your skills and capabilities. It's also a great way to make your LinkedIn profile more memorable.

6. Highlight Key Skills and Get Endorsements

LinkedIn allows you to include up to 50 skills in the Skills section but focus on the most important ones.

You should only add skills relevant to your career. These include hard skills, like proficiency in Microsoft Word, and soft skills, such as leadership.

You must also seek endorsements from colleagues or supervisors to boost your profile’s credibility. You can reciprocate by endorsing their skills as well.

Adding skills and getting endorsements can help your LinkedIn profile appear higher in search results.

7. Seek Recommendations

You should also seek recommendations and endorsements from colleagues and clients. This will build credibility and showcase the value you have brought to previous roles.

8. Add Relevant Certifications and Courses

After the Recommendation section, you can include any certifications, courses, or training programs you have completed in your profile. These show that you are committed to professional growth.

You can even add badges for these certifications to make your LinkedIn profile stand out.

9. Customize Your LinkedIn URL

Having a custom LinkedIn URL is easier to share and looks more professional.

So, instead of a random string of numbers, you should edit your URL to something like You can add a middle initial or a simple number to create a unique URL if you have a common name.

You can edit your URL by going to the settings section of your LinkedIn profile. This is a small but effective way to enhance your personal brand.

10. Publish Interesting Content and Engage Regularly

Lastly, you should publish and share valuable content on LinkedIn to establish thought leadership.

You can share industry insights, articles, or original content that showcases your expertise. This positions you as a knowledgeable professional in your field.

You must also engage with others' content by commenting, sharing, and liking posts. Nurturing professional relationships is one of the best networking strategies to accelerate your job search.

Elevate Your LinkedIn Profile with Better Career

Ready to take your LinkedIn profile to the next level? Here's how Better Career can help you:

  • Job Accelerator Program: Follow our step-by-step guide to land a tech job quickly and efficiently. Whether you want to be a Sales Engineer, Customer Success Professional, or Project Manager, our mentorship program is designed to accelerate your tech career. Say goodbye to the frustration and guesswork of a typical job search.
  • 1-on-1 Career Coaching: Work closely with former tech leaders turned career coaches to land your next Sales or Sales Engineering role, or advance your career. We'll customize the program to meet your unique goals and needs.
  • B2B Tech Job Board: Connect directly with key people at hiring companies through our curated job board for B2B tech positions. This includes direct LinkedIn profiles and posts for each listing.

Haven't found what you're looking for? Fill out our contact form, and we'll get in touch with you soon!

FAQs About How to Improve LinkedIn Profile

How often should I update my LinkedIn profile?

You must update your profile whenever you change jobs, gain new skills, or complete significant projects. You can keep your profile current and relevant through regular updates.

What should I include in my LinkedIn profile summary section?

You should include a brief introduction, your key skills, notable achievements, and career goals. You can also mention your brand statement to make your profile summary more personal and engaging to readers.

How to increase profile visibility on LinkedIn?

You can improve searchability by adding the #OpenToWork feature to your profile, sharing interesting data, publishing valuable content, and commenting on posts. You can also add relevant keywords and skills to boost visibility.

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