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Use AI (ChatGPT) to Save you HOURS in your Job Search

job search Aug 25, 2024

Scroll to the bottom for Job Search AI / ChatGPT prompts đź‘‡

Job searching is hard. PERIOD. 

Did you know that if you're not using AI every day, you're probably burning more energy than you need to?

AI could save you hours every week  hours that you can reinvest into networking or even taking a much-needed break.

So, let's explore how you can work smarter, not harder, with AI.

You can leverage AI at every stage of your search:

  1. Conduct a mock interview
  2. Build, customize, and give you feedback on your resume
  3. Create an interview cheat sheet tailored to the role 
  4. Design a custom action plan to help you nail a final presentation

And so much more!

The trick is knowing how and when to leverage AI to get the best results.


Here's what you need to know to get the most out of AI:

AI is everywhere, and everyone is using it, but do you really know how to maximize your efforts?

Let's talk through it...

If you haven't already done so, create an account with ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude.


Treat it like a Conversation:

Think of interacting with AI like a back-and-forth chat. Make specific requests, provide feedback, and clarify your asks.

This is called multi-prompting—meaning you don’t just ask once and walk away.

Instead, you interact with AI, refining your requests for better results.


For example, you could ask AI to help you improve your resume summary:

“Can you improve the summary section of my resume to better highlight my experience in SaaS sales? Here’s what it looks like now…” 

But what if the results weren't exactly what you were looking for? That's okay! 

→ Follow up with additional asks:

"Can you condense it to 500 words or less?"

Then, you'll end up with a much more effective draft with less revisions required from you.

As you start to leverage multi-prompting, it will also help you improve your original prompts!


Provide Context to Get Personalized Guidance:

The output is only as good as the input. The more context you give, the better the AI can help. 

Let's break down 3 components of a successful prompt:

→ Assign it a role with expertise

"You are an experienced [ROLE] specializing in [INDUSTRY / OTHER]."

→ Make specific requests:

"I am interviewing for [ROLE] at [COMPANY]; using the job description and my resume below, what questions should I expect in an interview with [INTERVIEWER ROLE], and how should I respond?"

 → Provide it context and background info:



Be sure to paste your resume and the job description for the best results.

Then, don't forget to ask for edits and additional guidance as you go!


Use it as a Starting Point:

Just this last week, a client was preparing for a presentation exercise. One of the first things she did was leverage AI to help create an outline.

She still had to build the entire presentation, but it helped get the ball rolling and gave her insightful ideas.

AI can generate some fantastic initial ideas, but don’t stop there. Always review and revise the output.

Never use it word-for-word. Why? You’ll sound like a robot and might miss crucial errors that could be costly.



Wrapping it All Up:

AI is a powerful tool, and the best results come from using it strategically—treating it like a helpful assistant rather than a replacement for your own expertise and judgment.

So, the next time you’re polishing your resume or prepping for an interview, remember to bring AI into the mix.

It will save you so much time!

But don’t forget, your unique insights and personal touches are what truly make you stand out!


AI Prompts:

1. Negotiating Compensation:

You are an experienced [ROLE] specializing in [INDUSTRY/DOMAIN].

I have received a job offer for a [TITLE] role at [COMPANY]. Based on the offer details and my qualifications below, how should I approach negotiating the compensation package, and what should I focus on?




2. Preparing for an Interview: 

You are an experienced [ROLE] specializing in [INDUSTRY/DOMAIN].

I am applying for a [TITLE] role at [COMPANY]. Based on the job description and my resume below, what questions should I expect in an interview with the [INTERVIEWER], and how should I respond?




3. Preparing for a Behavioral Interview:

You are an experienced [ROLE] specializing in [INDUSTRY/DOMAIN].

I have a behavioral interview coming up for a [TITLE] role at [COMPANY]. Based on the job description and my resume below, what behavioral questions should I expect, and how should I prepare my STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) responses?



4. Optimizing LinkedIn Profile:

You are an experienced [ROLE] specializing in [INDUSTRY/DOMAIN].

I want to optimize my LinkedIn profile for a [TITLE] role in [COMPANY]. Based on my resume below, how should I adjust my profile to attract recruiters and hiring managers in this field?




5. Preparing for a Technical Interview:

You are an experienced [ROLE] specializing in [INDUSTRY/DOMAIN].

I am interviewing for a [TITLE] role at [COMPANY], and there is a technical interview involved. Based on the job description and my resume below, what technical questions should I anticipate, and how can I best prepare?


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